
Our bylaws, the rules which govern how we operate - to view a copy of the bylaws, click here.

Are you interested in becoming a member? Click here for our form, present the form and payment to our treasurer at our meeting.  Annual membership is $15.00 per individual; $20.00 for a couple.

To honor our 'seasoned' members who have greatly assisted in the promotion of our organization, we allow our members to nominate a life-time membership to that individual. Members can fill out the form and present it to our Board of Directors for consideration.

Every now and then, our members see an individual with great carving talent. Sometimes, our economy prevents individuals from taking courses necessary to expand their wood carving knowledge and skills. If you know such a person, we have funds set aside to pay for courses. We have a scholarship program established just for this purpose. Members can fill out the attached form and present to our Board of Directors for consideration.